Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tired of studying.. giving up...

Gosh.. It's 2.20am now.. and im still studying.. as usual.. but today im just too tired.. study till 11am this morning.. then slept at 12-4pm.. then lepak.. went out dinner and start studying again.. guess my progress is just too slow.. dun think i can really finish revising on time.. it's just too hard.. no good.. 4 papers in the 1st week.. with 3 papers in 2 days.. that's just too hard.. and it's major.. not like those lan subject.. sigh
Thurs--------------0900-1200----Numerical Methods
Thurs--------------1400-1700 ----Solid of Mechanics
Fri-----------------0900-1200----Electrical Technology
Next Mon----------0900-1200----Fluid of Mechanics
Next Next Tues----0900-1100----French Level 4
And that's my time table for the coming test.. it's just too bad.. if i would have 1 more day for tat solid or numerical.. then it would b easier.. anyway.. no use to say anything here d.. just study watever i can.. how i wish im just those kind of relax punye person.. then i wun b too worried bout my results and tests.. then i can just lepak around and study whenever i feel like it.. but now it's like.. im worried and study like mad.. sigh.. Im just too tired....
*^-^* NicyaN *^-^*

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